We can meet you face-to-face or online to support you through challenging times.

This can involve:

Individual client therapeutic interventions/ therapeutic consultations which can be facilitated on site, via telephone, client home or mutually agreed location. This is flexible in nature and can be one-off, short term, occasional or longer term.

Providing support around making sense of the needs of an individual (child, spouse, elder) within the context of a family and its circumstances.

Advocacy/Support/Facilitation of meetings (e.g. Team Around Child, Team Around Family, Child Protection, Family Law, Collaborative meetings).

Liaison between home, school/work (and any other agencies) and the legal or social care team particularly concerning children.

File reviews and advice on case management/ next steps.

Consultations to debrief emotionally-charged work or other personal circumstances affecting a case.

Work discussion groups for staff.

Staff supervision (individual and group).

General support and advice to staff on planning to meet needs of clients/ groups of clients.

Mentoring/ coaching/ supervision for staff.

Staff counselling.

Contact our friendly team

    If you are contacting us about a child, please include their school's name.